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The empathic civilization : the race to global consciousness in a world in crisis.
ISBN: 9781585427659 9780745641461 9780745641454 0745641466 0745641458 Year: 2009 Publisher: Cambridge Polity

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In this remarkable book Jeremy Rifkin tells the dramatic story of the extension of human empathy from the rise of the first great theological civilizations, to the ideological age that dominated the 18th and 19th centuries, the psychological era that characterized much of the 20th century and the emerging dramaturgical period of the 21st century. The result is a new social tapestry-The Empathic Civilization-woven from a wide range of fields. Rifkin argues that at the very core of the human story is the paradoxical relationship between empathy and entropy. At various times in history new energy regimes have converged with new communication revolutions, creating ever more complex societies that heightened empathic sensitivity and expanded human consciousness. But these increasingly complicated milieus require extensive energy use and speed us toward resource depletion. The irony is that our growing empathic awareness has been made possible by an ever-greater consumption of the Earth's resources, resulting in a dramatic deterioration of the health of the planet. If we are to avert a catastrophic destruction of the Earth's ecosystems, the collapse of the global economy and the possible extinction of the human race, we will need to change human consciousness itself-and in less than a generation. (Bron: covertekst)


History of civilization --- 316 --- Sociologie --(algemeen) --- Cultuur en maatschappij --- Empathie --- Globalisering --- Mens en milieu --- Sociologie --- Cultuur en maatschappij. --- Empathie. --- Globalisering. --- Mens en milieu. --- Sociologie. --- 316 Sociologie --(algemeen) --- 931 Internationale geschiedenis --- globalisation --- E100212.jpg --- Internationella relationer --- International relations. --- Empathy. --- Consciousness. --- Globalization. --- Civilization, Modern --- Conduct of life --- Empathy --- Social prediction --- Twenty-first century --- Prediction, Social --- Social forecasting --- Sociological prediction --- Forecasting --- Sociology --- Social indicators --- Attitude (Psychology) --- Caring --- Emotions --- Social psychology --- Sympathy --- Ethics, Practical --- Morals --- Personal conduct --- Ethics --- Philosophical counseling --- Modern civilization --- Modernity --- Civilization --- Renaissance --- Statistical methods --- History --- AA / International- internationaal --- 203 --- 331.068 --- 355 --- 334.0 --- sociologie --- economie --- Internationale economie --- International relations --- Consciousness --- Globalization --- Sociografie. Algemene beschrijving van de gemeenschappen (Sociologie) --- Futurologie --- Milieu --- Algemene theorieën en beginselen --- globalisering --- Coexistence --- Foreign affairs --- Foreign policy --- Foreign relations --- Global governance --- Interdependence of nations --- International affairs --- Peaceful coexistence --- World order --- National security --- Sovereignty --- World politics --- Global cities --- Globalisation --- Internationalization --- Anti-globalization movement --- Apperception --- Mind and body --- Perception --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Spirit --- Self

Cultures and organizations: software for the mind
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780071664189 0071664181 Year: 2010 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

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Based on research conducted in more than seventy countries over a forty-year span, Cultures and Organizations examines what drives people apart-when cooperationis so clearly in everyone's interest. With major new contributions from Michael Minkov's analysis of data from the World Values Survey, as well as an account ofthe evolution of cultures by Gert Jan Hofstede, this revised and expanded edition:Reveals the "moral circles" from which national societies are built and the unexamined rules by which people think,feel, and act. Explores how national cultures differ in the areas of inequality,assertiveness versus modesty, and tolerance for ambiguity.Explains how organizational cultures differ from nationalcultures-and how they can be managed.Analyzes stereotyping, differences in language, cultural rootsof the 2008 economic crisis, and other intercultural dynamics


Sociology of culture --- cultuur --- Organization theory --- communicatie --- sociale psychologie --- interculturele communicatie --- 316.72 --- 316.722 --- #SBIB:316.7C160 --- #SBIB:309H023 --- #SBIB:309H250 --- #SBIB:316.334.2A500 --- Intercultural communication. --- Organization --- International cooperation. --- National characteristics. --- Ethnopsychology. --- Cultural pluralism. --- Intercultural communication --- Pluralism (Social sciences) --- 306 --- Cultural diversity --- Diversity, Cultural --- Diversity, Religious --- Ethnic diversity --- Pluralism, Cultural --- Religious diversity --- Culture --- Cultural fusion --- Ethnicity --- Multiculturalism --- Cross-cultural communication --- Communication --- Cross-cultural orientation --- Cultural competence --- Multilingual communication --- Technical assistance --- Cross-cultural psychology --- Ethnic groups --- Ethnic psychology --- Folk-psychology --- Indigenous peoples --- National psychology --- Psychological anthropology --- Psychology, Cross-cultural --- Psychology, Ethnic --- Psychology, National --- Psychology, Racial --- Race psychology --- Psychology --- National characteristics --- Characteristics, National --- Identity, National --- Images, National --- National identity --- National images --- Anthropology --- Nationalism --- Social psychology --- Collective memory --- Ethnopsychology --- Exceptionalism --- Cooperation, International --- Global governance --- Institutions, International --- Interdependence of nations --- International institutions --- World order --- Cooperation --- International relations --- International organization --- Organizational research --- Verschillende soorten cultuur --- Nationale cultuur --- Cultuursociologie: contact tussen culturen --- Interculturele en internationale communicatie --- Interne en externe communicatie: algemene werken --- Organisatiesociologie: algemeen --- Research. --- Anthropological aspects --- Cultuurverschillen --- Interculturele communicatie --- Go international --- International office --- Organizational researchVerschillende soorten cultuur --- 316.722 Nationale cultuur --- #KVHA: Interculturaliteit --- #KVHA:Psychologie --- #KVHA:Antropologie --- Cultuurverschillen. --- Interculturele communicatie. --- Go international. --- International office. --- Cultural pluralism --- International cooperation --- Research --- International Cooperation --- Organisatiecultuur --- Interculturaliteit --- Cultuurverschil --- Multiculturalisme --- Culturele antropologie --- Culturele diversiteit --- Cultuursociologie --- Samenleving --- Onderzoek (wetenschap) --- Organization - Research

Ontwikkeling & solidariteit
ISBN: 9789064456602 Year: 2010 Publisher: Berchem EPO

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Van het Glazen Huis van Studio Brussel tot het fonds van Bill Gates en zijn halve trouwboek: 50 jaar na de onafhankelijkheid van de Afrikaanse landen is de kritiek op de ontwikkelingshulp zeer groot. Ze werkt averechts en in plaats van aan onrechtvaardige structuren te tornen, houdt ze het dikwijls bij liefdadigheid die het geweten sust. Even groot is het contrast tussen de bescheiden millenniumdoelstellingen en de gigantische kapitalen die uit arme landen gesleept worden. Dit boek over ontwikkeling en ontwikkelingssamenwerking is bijzonder omdat het de kritiek au sérieux neemt maar tegelijk pleit voor méér solidariteit tussen Noord en Zuid. Hiervoor zal de sector zich wel moeten hervormen. Er zal ook politieke ruimte moeten komen om structurele veranderingen mogelijk te maken


351851. --- (493). --- --- Distributive justice. --- Economic development --- Intergovernmental cooperation. --- International economic relations. --- Solidarity. --- International cooperation. --- Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. --- armoede --- Development aid. Development cooperation --- Developing countries --- Distributive justice --- Intergovernmental cooperation --- International economic relations --- Solidarity --- Aide au développement --- BPB1011 --- Politique de développement --- Solidarité --- Ontwikkelingssamenwerking/ ontwikkelingsbeleid (derde wereldproblematiek,noord-zuid-verhouding) --- Solidariteit --- ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- 221 Ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- Cooperation --- Economic policy, Foreign --- Economic relations, Foreign --- Economics, International --- Foreign economic policy --- Foreign economic relations --- Interdependence of nations --- International economic policy --- International economics --- New international economic order --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Economic sanctions --- Cooperative government arrangements --- Public administration --- Interagency coordination --- Distribution (Economic theory) --- Justice --- Social justice --- Wealth --- International cooperation --- Ontwikkelingshulp --- Ontwikkelingsbeleid --- 327 --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Internationalisering --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- arengupoliitika --- fejlesztési politika --- política de desenvolvimento --- politika ta' żvilupp --- polityka rozwojowa --- beartas forbartha --- politikë zhvillimi --- politică de dezvoltare economică --- ontwikkelingsbeleid --- politica di sviluppo --- attīstības politika --- utvecklingspolitik --- развојна политика --- kehittämispolitiikka --- αναπτυξιακή πολιτική --- development policy --- политика развоја --- razvojna politika --- rozvojová politika --- udviklingspolitik --- plėtros politika --- Entwicklungspolitik --- политика на развитие --- política de desarrollo --- vækstpolitik --- politica di crescita --- Wachstumspolitik --- политика за развој --- arengustrateegia --- política de crecimiento --- estratégia de desenvolvimento --- πολιτική οικονομικής μεγέθυνσης --- politikë për rritjen --- política de crescimento --- kasvupoliitika --- kasvupolitiikka --- Entwicklungsstrategie --- strategija razvoja --- strategji për zhvillim --- groeibeleid --- tillväxtpolitik --- növekedési politika --- augimo politika --- strategie de dezvoltare economică --- politika rastu --- politika růstu --- politique de croissance --- udviklingsstrategi --- αναπτυξιακή στρατηγική --- kehitysstrategia --- strategia di sviluppo --- estrategia de desarrollo --- growth policy --- stratégie de développement --- fejlesztési stratégia --- rozvojová strategie --- development strategy --- rozvojová stratégia --- opatření na podporu rozvoje --- utvecklingsstrategi --- attīstības stratēģija --- izaugsmes politika --- ontwikkelingsstrategie --- plėtros strategija --- ayuda al desarrollo --- arenguabi --- помоћ за развој --- pomoć u razvoju --- Entwicklungshilfe --- fejlesztési segély --- помощ за развитие --- cabhair um fhorbairt --- utvecklingsbistånd --- udviklingsbistand --- ontwikkelingshulp --- palīdzība attīstības jomā --- αναπτυξιακή βοήθεια --- fonduri pentru dezvoltare --- kehitysapu --- rozvojová pomoc --- razvojna pomoč --- parama vystymuisi --- għajnuna għall-iżvilupp --- ndihma për zhvillim --- помош за развој --- pomoc rozwojowa --- ajuda ao desenvolvimento --- aiuto allo sviluppo --- development aid --- assistenza allo sviluppo --- fonduri pentru țările în curs de dezvoltare --- gezamenlijke ontwikkeling --- plėtros pagalba --- ndihmë për vendet në zhvillim --- pomoc třetím zemím --- aiuto ai paesi in via di sviluppo --- aiuto ai PVS --- bashkëzhvillim --- steun aan ontwikkelingslanden --- desarrollo mutuo --- aide aux PVD --- gemeinsame Entwicklung --- pomoć zemljama u razvoju --- asistencia al desarrollo --- desarrollo conjunto --- közös fejlődés --- pomoc rozvojovým krajinám --- ajuda aos PVD --- cooperação para o desenvolvimento --- fejlődő országoknak nyújtott segély --- aid to developing countries --- ühine areng --- από κοινού ανάπτυξη --- kehitysmaille tarkoitettu tuki --- κοινή ανάπτυξη --- støtte til udviklingslande --- asistență pentru dezvoltare --- помош за поттикнување и поддршка на развојот --- cooperación al desarrollo --- kopēja attīstība --- u-hjälp --- arengumaadele antav abi --- gemensam utveckling --- codesarrollo --- ulandshjælp --- codéveloppement --- bendrai vykdoma plėtra --- bistand til udviklingslande --- βοήθεια στις αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες --- fælles udvikling --- co-development --- palīdzība attīstībai --- palīdzība attīstības valstīm --- pagalba besivystančioms šalims --- αναπτυξιακή συνεργασία --- pomoc rozvojovým zemím --- yhteiskehitys --- bistånd till utvecklingsländer --- Politique de développement --- Aide au développement

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